This is heycar's estimated price and may differ from Motorway’s valuation.
Once Motorway has valued your car, you can create a car profile from your phone in minutes.
5,000+ car dealers in Motorway’s network will make offers for your car in a daily online sale.
We’ll organise collecting your car once you accept an offer. You’ll get paid within 24 hours.
Polish the paintwork, hoover the interior and fix any minor scratches or damage. And make sure you track down things like spare keys and the parcel shelf.
If your car’s got fun extras like climate control, an infotainment system or a panoramic sunroof, make sure dealers know. It’ll help to drive a better price.
You’ll need the V5C (logbook), MOT certificate and service history, plus bills for any work you’ve had done. It’ll show that you’re a transparent seller.